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ABC Psychology Tracker

2 years ago, v2.2

ABC Method

The ABC Method is a well-known psychological model used to understand the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. According to this model, events (A) trigger our thoughts (B), which in turn cause emotional and behavioral responses (C).

The ABC Method is commonly used in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help individuals identify and challenge negative or irrational thoughts that lead to negative emotions and behaviors. By changing our thoughts, we can change our emotional and behavioral responses, leading to an overall improvement in mental health and well-being.

There is also an extended version of the ABC model, called the ABCDE model, which adds two more steps to the original model. D stands for Dispute, which involves disputing or challenging the negative thoughts that arise from B. E stands for Energization (which we'll refer to as Effect), which involves energizing or reinforcing the positive thoughts that arise from D.

ABCDE chain (D = New Beliefs, E = New Behaviour)

The key to making changes is to track the beliefs that lead to destructive emotions and replace them with positive and productive ones.

The ABCDE Tracker's Structure

This template is based on a single database with multiple properties:

  1. Activating Event - what happened
  2. Consequences - how you felt
  3. Beliefs - why you felt this way
  4. Dispute - alternatives
  5. Effect - result of alternative beliefs
  6. Date - when the event happened

Adding “Activating events”

To add a new event, think about what has happened and why, and use the Inbox tab. Just describe the situation and select your emotions in Consequences. Date will automatically populate with today's date (change for past events). Once you have filled in all the fields, this record will move from the Inbox tab to the Processing tab.


On the Processing tab, you can see all events that have at least one empty field. In this step, you need to fill in the Beliefs column to discover what thoughts led you to feel the way you did in the Consequences column. After that, analyze and write down alternatives in the Dispute column and how you feel afterwards in the Effect column.

Analyzing events and emotions

After you've filled all the columns for the ABCDE chain, you'll be able to track your most common destructive beliefs and the alternative thoughts you can replace them with. Regularly come back to the Master or By Emotions tabs to reflect on your behavior and how to change it. Also, there is a Calendar view to see when negative thoughts occurred - perhaps you'll see a pattern, such as "I tend to be angrier on Mondays."

Wrapping up

It’s an easy-to-use yet important template. It’ll help you to understand what situations make you feel bad and what believes are the reason for it. Even if you think you know it, give it a try and write it down. Doing so you formulate the problem, and in some cases it’ll be relief itself.

After you have the list of negative believes, think of counter arguments for them - there is always a couple of positive alternatives. Use them as a replacement for destructive thought to prevent negative emotions and unproductive behaviour. Best of luck!

Properties manual

🎭 ABCDE Tracker

DateDateA day when the Activating event had happened
EffectTextYour feelings after Dispute
DisputeTextAlternatives or counter-arguments for the negative Belief
ConsequencesMulti-selectEmotions that you’ve felt during/after the Activating event
BeliefTextYour thoughts that engage destructive emotions
Activating eventTextDescription of a trigger situation